5 Lessons Filipino Men Can Learn From Bretman Rock

From learning how to be more confident in releasing your content online to the importance of being in shape, here are few things that men can learn from Bretman Rock

The Filipino Internet sensation is currently in the Philippines to promote his book, You’re That Bitch & Other Cute Lessons About Being Unapologetically Yourself, which talks about his childhood in the Philippines, his past dating experiences, his life as an Internet icon, and many more.

Photo Credit: KIERAN PUNAY

During the recently concluded press conference, the online superstar was a wealth of information and wisdom when he addressed several questions and shared fascinating perspectives on a variety of topics, which gives us some things we can learn from Bretman Rock himself. 

RELATED: Bretman Rock Breaks the Internet With ‘You’re That Bitch’

Post anything as long as it comes from a good light

Bretman said he knows that there are a lot of aspiring content creators who are afraid to share their work due to overwhelming feelings of inadequacy and insecurities. He used to believe that his audience only liked him because of his beauty vlogs and makeup tutorials, but his perspective changed when he began sharing random stuff on his platforms, such as his entertaining reviews on various cereals, his personal ratings on different coconut juices, and funny videos of him introducing his chickens. Aside from realizing that his followers appreciated him for more than what he used to post, he also came to a realization that sometimes, we can be our own worst enemies by setting unnecessary restrictions to ourselves. Whether it’s a workout video or photos of your new pair of sneakers, Bretman encourages everyone to not be hesitant to share content about your life as long as it does not hurt anybody else.

Stop looking at the labels and start wearing whatever you want

Without any shadow of a doubt, Bretman can be considered a master of gender fluid fashion. When Bretman was asked about his sense of style, he mentioned that it is high time for people to stop looking at labels. He pushes the idea that gendered clothing categories should be abolished in favor of a world where everyone may feel comfortable in whatever they want to wear.

Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is essential

Bretman said that this is a value his parents instilled in him at a young age. He shared that his father was a fan of wrestlers Bret Hart and The Rock, so he has always held the belief that being physically active is already an integral part of his personality. Even though he has a lot on his plate, Bretman makes it a point to constantly try to find the time to live an active lifestyle.

Always wear your moreno skin with pride

In the Philippines, it is far more usual to witness men with dark skin being laughed at and mocked because of their skin color. These unattainable beauty standards regarding men’s skin tone can undoubtedly have an adverse effect on the self-esteem of any Filipino, but not on Bretman Rock. The Filipino-American author and content creator spoke about how proud he is to have moreno skin. Bretman even admitted that when he first began as a beauty influencer, it was challenging for him to find products that match his skin tone, but he expressed his appreciation for other influencers like PatrickStarrr, who helped him see the beauty of his skin. With social media platforms’ huge impact on reinforcing beauty standards for men, Bretman emphasized how important representation is. His unapologetic approach on frequently showcasing his brown skin proves that Bretman is a one proud moreno

Families should always come first

Bretman stated that the women in his life are his greatest sources of motivation. As an uncle, he is now gradually adopting a protective attitude towards Cleo and tries to keep his niece out of the spotlight as much as he can. He went on to say that he now sees how his habit of including Cleo in his content from an early age has made it difficult for her to live a more peaceful life. Aside from this, Bretman also does his best to be a good son by taking care of his mother and keeping her safe. He shared that one of his goals at the moment is to one day be able to provide his mother with a comfortable home here in the Philippines. He also disclosed that he had deliberately made the decision not to include her in his content anymore since he did not like the fact that people are often too cruel when leaving comments online. Bretman may have been raised in the United States, but he nevertheless managed to uphold the Filipino value of having close, supportive, and strong family relationships. 

Photos from BRETMAN ROCK (via Instagram)

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5 Lessons Filipino Men Can Learn From Bretman Rock
Source: Insta News Pinoy

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