Nespresso Goes Beyond Coffee to Champion Positive Change

The global coffee brand teams up with a number of inspiring Filipino A-listers including the likes of Bela Padilla, DOT Secretary Berna Romulo-Puyat, Hindy Weber, Christine Dychiao, Issa Barte, Robby Carmona, and Chefs Sunshine Puey, Miko Aspiras and Josh Boutwood to discover the meaning of care, as well as the power of producing high-quality coffee as a means for positive change

The secret ingredient to any good cup of coffee is care. Because care for coffee farming communities is fundamental to the Nespresso brand, for almost 20 years, they have been committed to creating a lasting impact in coffee growing communities, helping to protect natural ecosystems. In 2021, Nespresso continued to champion this idea by using the power of coffee to regenerate land, restore biodiversity and build resilience against the impacts of climate change. The worldwide pioneers in premium coffee remain committed to the principles that high quality coffee can only be fully enjoyed, if it is produced in a way which places sustainability at its heart. With this aspiration to care, MEGA linked up with Nespresso in order to highlight the significance of this topic and shed light on why care should truly mean something more than just a slogan.

Every cup begins with care

This year, to be more connected in our everchanging world, the brand launched an initiative focusing on its fundamental belief of crafting sustainably-made coffee made with care.

Titled “Made with Care”, Nespresso’s campaign was ushered in via a spoken word video featuring brand ambassador and Nespresso Sustainability Advisory Board (NSAB) board member George Clooney last May. The thought-provoking video—which you can watch below—showcases Clooney with a diverse group of noteworthy Nespresso friends, as they set the stage of what would eventually become a global message promoting awareness and community. The three-minute clip explored a variety of pertinent topics, ranging from what truly is behind every cup of Nespresso coffee, so the common denominator that binds each person together from their individual personal beliefs: care.

What makes this movement more important compared to any other launched by a global brand? A key part of this strategy is the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program, which aims to ensure the selection of only the finest quality beans while also improving the livelihoods of farmers and protecting the environment. Another is the Nespresso’s Reviving Origins program, a commitment which aims to revive endangered coffees and communities. Finally, Nespresso set out its commitment to care for the environment by aiming to make every cup of Nespresso coffee carbon neutral by 2022.

#MadeWithCare lands in the Philippines

With such a universal theme, it seemed natural for Nespresso to spread the word more widely. Upon its arrival in the Philippines, MEGA brought the idea to our own group of respected and renowned Nespresso friends. These celebrities explore what care means for them, the personal lifestyle they champion, and ultimately what makes Nespresso their choice.

The first of these personalities is Helm Manila’s Chef Josh Boutwood; a firm advocate of sustainable and zero-waste kitchens. When we sat down with him to talk about the importance of waste control and how to keep kitchens environmentally-friendly, the English-born chef focused on the importance of using each part of every ingredient we use, and how nothing should ever go straight to the bin, as much as possible. He states:

“I am a firm believer that we should always find ways to reduce our food waste and ultimately end in either composting or recycling.”


Joining his cause are fellow-acclaimed culinary powerhouses Chefs Sunshine Puey and Chef Miko Aspiras, who both present unique views regarding the food industry. Chef Miko added that in order to keep kitchens more environmentally-friendly, investment should be made in quality, stating: “Invest in quality tools and equipment, so you don’t have to buy again and again, hence avoiding wastefulness.” Chef Sunshine was glad to celebrate the rise in global recognition of Filipino cuisine in recent years, sharing: “I am happy that Filipino food is being shared more globally, which gives people a chance to learn more about our flavors and culture.”

Like Chef Josh, Chef Miko and Chef Sunshine also appreciate a high quality cup of hot joe in the morning. Chef Miko shared with us some of his favorite aspects about Nespresso and their philosophies tailored on innovation:

“Nespresso does not stop creating new and innovative ways for their clients to get that perfect cup of coffee.”


Another noteworthy Nespresso partner is multimedia queen and Nespresso Talents 2021 juror Bela Padilla, who also chimed in with a couple of great points on the discussion of care and coffee. When asked what the word “care” meant for the all-round star, Bela honed in on care’s immediate connection with the commitment of love, and how love is always the first step in doing something, explaining that: “Caring enough to be present and making yourself available for yourself, for people you love, for strangers and everything in the world speaks volumes about who we are as people.”

It’s clear that these principles are visible in the endeavors that Bela devotes her time, passion, and care towards today. On the topic of inspiring young creators who aim to be like her someday, Bela explained that today’s youth have to live their best life and to push forward to adapt and thrive despite the hardships of life.

“Tough times shouldn’t restrict an artist. If anything, it should shape you differently from what you’re used to and make you think and create differently too. So be free flowing and let life shape you.”


Another staunch Nespresso advocate in the creative industry is the acclaimed “Saga Events” founder Robby Carmona. He explained that while the heartwarming taste of a Nespresso-brewed cup of coffee was what initially caught his discerning eye’s attention, the important factor that has made the fashion film director stay loyal has been the positive impact that Nespresso provides for the ecosystems within which it exists. “Given this, when I use my Nespresso machine and pods, I know that I am supporting thousands of farmers who cultivate coffee and a company that promotes sustainability.”

Reaching out to the boots on the ground

Such commitments seem to have expanded beyond just inspiring young creatives alone, as MEGA and Nespresso Philippines also connected with a multitude of leaders across various sectors to truly understand the most pressing issues faced by society today.

One trailblazer we were able to catch up with is For The Future PH (FTF) founder Issa Barte, who discussed her views on sustainable coffee, as well as Nespresso’s support to FTF through tree planting initiatives. When asked what excites her about the future of the communities that FTF supports, Issa shared that she has become more hopeful with the growing number of people who wish to work with FTF in creating solutions that promote togetherness and care.

The young and inspiring leader adds that Nespresso also remains to be her top choice for rich coffee. She explains that the brand not only gains her trust through its sustainability ambitions, it also gains her admiration for Nespresso by bringing together a combination of thought and intent into each step of the brand’s advocacy for innovation and safeguarding natural resources.

“In a world where I feel I have to constantly look out for these things—keeping a balance between advocating innovation and safeguarding natural resources—I don’t have to worry with Nespresso, and I can enjoy my morning coffee with ease.


When asked how FTF plans to scale up its impact on the world, Issa declared that they will continue to stick to the fundamental beliefs that have been the key to their success in the first place, explaining: “Our motto ‘You don’t need to be anyone else to be a person that can change the world’ is a testament to what we believe. If what we do can inspire someone else to help out another or their own community, then we know our message is clear.”

Along the way, we were also able to extend the conversation to representatives of various sustainable and ethical agriculture movements in the country. Holy Carabao Farm Founder Hindy Weber is one of these advocates, with her reach also extending to the industries of fashion and wellness. Hindy shared a deeper insight into the worldwide discussion, explaining the importance of going beyond one’s needs and desires in order to truly care about something, stating: “Care means to see my inseparable interconnectedness with others and the whole, and always working from that perspective. What I choose to do every single moment has an effect on everyone and everything else.”

KonMari Consultant Christine Dychiao is also a leading purveyor of stylish brands and objects that cultivate a positive impact, championing the “Spark Joy” movement in the Philippines. As a podcaster, entrepreneur, and mother all-in-one, the multi-talented personality shared with us that care is an essential element of her daily life. Witnessing first-hand the steps Nespresso has taken to recycle its pods and minimize waste has given her the reassurance to enjoy her cup of coffee every day. She added: “I have been to the workshop of NVC Foundation’s artisans in Bacolod, where they create mosaics out of the used Nespresso aluminum coffee capsules. To see beautiful works of art come out from recycled materials, there’s real care and thought put in there.”

Finally, we also reached out to leaders in government positions to gauge their valuable perspective on the conversation. One such leader was Department of Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat, who contributed a couple of wise insights regarding care, stating:

“Care means having to provide what is needed for the well-being and protection of someone or something that is important to you. For me, caring is something that I do instinctively, as a mother and as a public servant.”

Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat on the discussion of care

It is inevitable for life to be filled with change, challenges, and sometimes confusion. When we are faced with these moments, it is comforting to cherish the simple things. For some of us, this precious moment can be found in the steaming cup of coffee we indulge in throughout the day. This is the reason why Nespresso strives to ensure that each cup brewed from their machines is a cup not only filled with something exceptionally delicious but also a cup made with goodwill, love, and care.

Catch the latest from Nespresso’s Made with Care movement at their official website or follow their official Instagram and Facebook pages.

The post Nespresso Goes Beyond Coffee to Champion Positive Change appeared first on MEGA.

Nespresso Goes Beyond Coffee to Champion Positive Change
Source: Insta News Pinoy

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