Experts Share How to Create Company Culture That Gets Results

how to create company culture that gets results

Your company culture includes a huge array of elements that impact how your team feels and performs at work. If you want to get more out of your current employees or attract top talent, creating a positive culture can make a major impact. Here are tips for improving your working environment from members of the online small business community.

Use HR to Support Your Business Development

A human resources department isn’t just there to manage the logistics of hiring and onboarding. They can also be a valuable resource when it comes to communicating with employees and helping them work toward your company’s goals. In this Business Load post, Simona Martinov discusses the role HR can play in business development.

Create an Organizational Culture That Boosts Output and Cuts Costs

Your company’s culture can dramatically impact how much your employees get done and how many resources they need to accomplish their goals. If you’re ready to improve your organizational culture, read the tips in this Startup Professionals Musings post by Marty Zwilling.

Hire the Best Marketing Manager for Your Business

Marketing is an essential function for most businesses. So if you’re going to hire someone to run this department, you need to ensure quality. In this Inspire to Thrive post, Lisa Sicard outlines several tips for hiring the best marketing manager for your needs.

Empower Your Team with Process Transparency

If you want your team to work productively and collaborate, they need to understand your expectations and processes. Creating systems of transparency can improve both trust and output throughout your organization. Grace Donaldson explores the concept of process transparency even further in this Process Street post.

Hire the Best Remote Developers

Growing your team doesn’t have to mean bringing traditional employees into an office. Especially today, there are tons of remote workers with various specialties. If you’re looking for web developers, read the tips in this WeblineIndia post by Vikrant Bhalodia.

Successfully Manage Remote Employees

Whether you have a remote developers or an entire remote team, proper management is a must. The way you communicate with off-site team members can differ from the ways you work with those in your office. See a guide John Accardi provides tips in this Biz Epic post.

Create a Franchise Business Plan

If you plan to open any kind of business, you need a plan. This includes franchise businesses. Your plan may cover everything from hiring to marketing. Joel Libava of The Franchise King goes over the details here. And you can see comments from the BizSugar community here.

Hire a Dedicated Team for Your Next App Development Project

Some business projects require bringing on extra help. Many entrepreneurs look for freelance or outsourcing solutions for these temporary needs. However, you can also bring on a dedicated team. Arjun Solanki details how in this The Business Posts article.

Consider the Pros and Cons of the Four Day Workweek

Many business owners are implementing four day workweeks to promote work-life balance and support their team. There are pros and cons of this move. So it’s important to consider all aspects of this decision for your business. Harry and Sally Vaishnav of Small Biz Viewpoints provide thoughts on the idea in this post.

Create Sales Funnels to Automate Your Business

Automation can help you and your team free up much of your time. This may reduce stress and help employees enjoy their work more. Sales funnels are a perfect way to accomplish this goal for your sales team. Bryan Harris explains how in this Videofruit Growth Tools post.

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This article, "Experts Share How to Create Company Culture That Gets Results" was first published on Small Business Trends

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