Time For a Change: PMAP Celebrates Their 35th Anniversary With a Stirring Announcement

The Professional Models Association of the Philippines is taking the reins with a new line of leadership and campaign that champions all

Change can be daunting—from taking the initiative to taking a step forward and welcoming the uncertain. It is a bold move that one must make in order to bring forth a new line of ideas, and it is a door that is waiting to be opened by those who are passionate about their craft and the future of their industry. Change can be daunting, but it is absolutely necessary. 

On the night of November 22, we experienced a change that will turn the game around in the modelling industry in the Philippines. Celebrating their 35th anniversary at the Hilton Hotel, the Professional Models Association of the Philippines, also known as PMAP, announced a turnover of leadership and an initiative that will champion everybody and every body. It’s the start of a long-awaited change, and PMAP is now taking the reins. 

The air was filled with anticipation and excitement as Joey Mead King, clad in a stunning red and Barbie pink number, walked on the stage to host the night away. But in a snap, the lights were dimmed and the stage opened to reveal the silhouettes of the iconic and OG models of PMAP

The audience watched with astonishment as the trailblazers of the modelling industry took their spot at the center, one by one, clad in the creations of Mark Bumgarner. It was an inspiring moment as we recalled the perseverance and strength of each model and their contribution to the Philippine modelling industry. 

After the iconic opening, the first change was then announced—a new line of board members. And just like their seniors, their silhouettes were on display as they took the stage with a strong and compelling aura. 

In a striking red gown, the new president of the Professional Models Association of the Philippines, Marge Gutierrez, walked on the runway as people applauded the new board and the future of the company. 

It was Marga Gutierrez’s speech that embraced the new era of PMAP. In her own words, it is time for people to open a magazine or watch a runway and see someone they can relate to—someone who makes them feel seen. She announced that it is time for the change we all have been waiting for, and they aim on making this change happen through a campaign that advocates diversity, inclusivity, and unity—this is PMAPNow. 

In the sea of distinguished guests, fashion practitioners and game-changers gathered to celebrate the anniversary and the future of the company. Amongst them were entrepreneur Tim Yap; designer Mark Bumgarner; models Lou Yanong, Jach Manere, and Jessica Yang; and PMAP alum Wilma Doesnt. 

There is no doubt that the night left the audience in a state of excitement and wonder as we all await for the first action of the new board members. When there is new blood, we can only expect a groundbreaking change that will lead the industry to new heights. 

Photography KIERAN PUNAY

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Time For a Change: PMAP Celebrates Their 35th Anniversary With a Stirring Announcement
Source: Insta News Pinoy

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