DJ Patty Tiu Forges the Path to Her New Legacy With Web 3

From producing heart-thumping beats as a DJ to emerging in crypto innovation—no matter what the world throws at her, Patty Tiu is always ready to face it head on

We all have our calling in life—whether it be our current profession or our hobbies, it’s what keeps us going through the motions, day in and day out. This is how purpose and passion resonate with Patty Tiu’s journey in her career and life in general. As soon as she discovered her artistic prowess in the music industry, she let her life flow with intensity, leaving a mark on every person’s groove in the nightlife scene through her electrifying beats.  

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Beyond her talent, Patty Tiu was also known by many as a trailblazer. She has a strong determination and incomparable charisma for battling impossible odds in her career, health, and ambitions. True enough, Patty’s life mission is to help as many people as she can by building a sustainable industry and business ecosystem for artists and her fellow creatives. 

With all the hats she has been wearing as a DJ, women’s advocate, and entrepreneur, she will be starting an entirely different path this year. As she marks the transition of her artistry to a new culture of cutting-edge technology, Patty is driving the effort to create a better and more connected world for all of us.

The next generation of the internet

Patty Tiu is not new to a certain level of crazy, wild nights as she is a well-known personality who gives life to the party behind her mixers and turntables. This fierce attitude brings her to another battleground that can push her to endless possibilities through blockchain technology. As a visionary, Patty views this transition as our country’s chance to finally catch up with other first-world nations surrounding the Philippines. 

Based on real-life experience and statistics, the Philippines is still in the process of technological development. However, we engage widely in online communities, and our country has one of the world’s highest rates of cryptocurrency adoption.

“It is our chance to lead. We may be behind most of the time in a lot of things, but we haven’t completely lost the race just yet. We should adapt.”

Patty Tiu

Beyond digital currencies

Before being able to experience this height of success, Patty Tiu was vocal in sharing that every expertise she has been utilizing through the years is something she learned through experience. Considering herself a breadwinner, she was able to earn for her family through the unstoppable magic of her music amidst neon lights flickering inside dark clubs with strangers, stretching the night through dancing and encouraging everyone to let loose and have fun. But she is not advocating that people focus on the massive chunk of money that crypto offers; Patty wants people to first delve into Web3 technology to understand the context of its endless possibilities beyond the currencies. 

She wanted to encourage professionals such as artists, content creators, and even OFWs to learn the new technology. Patty sees the potential in the power of the blockchain, where previously impossible things are now achievable. This includes faster and cheaper money transmission, more equitable access to healthcare services, more effective cash flow monitoring, and a more comfortable method to keep crucial documents. 

Meanwhile, as a renowned artist herself, Patty also tackled the flair behind NFTs. NFTs have been a game changer in the creative economy since their introduction in 2014. In the music industry, NFTs allow artists to benefit from their songs without management or a record company taking a large portion—a better alternative than streaming companies, which hardly compensate their employees. 

A living testament 

More than just a tech revolution, DJ Patty is committed to this new legacy because her career journey is a prime example that change is inevitable. And most of the time, it is for the betterment of communities that strengthen and support you. The famed DJ and entrepreneur is well aware that nothing can be improved overnight, but old practices can coexist with new approaches. As Patty is used to driving a cycle of life on rough terrain, she has always been and will continue to be a pioneer. Whether in the language of electrifying music or crypto innovation, she is not afraid to face the challenges head on for the simple reason that striving for a better tomorrow is always a better idea.

Photos from PHANTOM HIGHLIGHTS and PATTY TIU (via Instagram)

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DJ Patty Tiu Forges the Path to Her New Legacy With Web 3
Source: Insta News Pinoy

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