The Beauty Profile: This Filipina Beauty Expert is Focused on Changing the Beauty Narrative

Meet Kristina Rodulfo, the Filipina beauty content creator who is making a mark in the global scene

There is something quite special about the age of print that is worth reminiscing about. Of course, who could forget the decade-defining covers, centerfolds, and limited-edition posters? Another detail that can’t be unmentioned is the influx of confessional columns, how-to articles, and astrological predictions that fans look forward to every month. At that time, magazines became a big part of our lives, and its success produced a new archetype of creatives who continues to be brave, confident, and empowered in the new digital era. 

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“I went on a field trip to the NYLON magazine offices. It inspired me to pour all my efforts into becoming a magazine editor, so I decided to pursue a journalism degree at NYU,” Kristina Rodulfo shared in an exclusive MEGA interview. Notably, the content creator has made a name for herself as a beauty editor across several global magazine titles. “I think what drew me in was the mix of written and visual storytelling. I decided to be a beauty editor specifically because I loved exploring the way beauty intersects with culture and identity. I could never get bored being a beauty reporter, and even now as a content creator, beauty continues to be an endless source of inspiration!” 

For this story, we are bringing light to Kristina Rodulfo, beauty-editor-turned-beauty-content-creator behind some of the double tap-worthy reports and reviews on your feed. We sat down and explored her definition of beauty, her best-kept beauty practices, and her growth as a creative. 

Meet Kristina

“I’ve loved writing since I was a kid. I was in second grade when I started writing poetry, and in fifth grade when I started writing fiction short stories,” she began. It’s quite undeniable that there is a sneaky optimism in writing a story about someone who pursued a field that they love, and over the years, Kristina Rodulfo has made her mark in the beauty sphere. “I interned all through college at publications like Harper’s BAZAAR and Time Out, and eventually worked my way up to being a Beauty Editor at POPSUGAR, Senior Beauty Editor at ELLE, and Beauty Director at Women’s Health. In 2021, I left to become a full-time beauty content creator.”

Aside from her impressive portfolio, Kristina’s genuine love and passion for beauty are hard to miss. “I loved exploring the way beauty intersects with culture and identity. I like the way skincare is science and research-driven. I admire the artistry and creativity behind creating hair, makeup, and nail looks. I relished pointing a magnifying glass on beauty trends and interpreting what they communicated about our world.” It’s a thought that reflects how she creates her content. In fact, a look into her Instagram and TikTok accounts unveil a saga of beauty reports, reviews, and insider tips that any fan can rely on for information. 

Outside of work, the beauty content creator shared that she prioritizes health and fitness. “You can find me running long distances—I’m currently training for the NYC half marathon, my second time doing it, and I’ve done the full marathon before—taking reformer Pilates classes, or weight training,” she expressed. “I also love journaling and reading fiction to help turn my brain off. Last but not least, like a true Filipina, I love going out to karaoke with friends and find nothing more cathartic than belting out some Celine, Whitney, or Mariah.” 

Kristina also revealed that her free time is recently occupied with wedding planning. “I’m getting married in a couple of months!” she shared the news. “My fiancé Michael is Australian and I’m from NYC, so all our friends and families are meeting in the middle for a destination wedding in O’ahu. It’s been a lot of logistics, but I am so excited to celebrate with loved ones.” 

On her relationship with beauty 

“100% yes,” the beauty expert enthusiastically answered when asked if she has always considered herself a beauty girl. “I have a younger sister, and always loved fixing her hair and playing dress-up together,” she recalled. As we continued our chat, Kristina shared one of her most relatable beauty moments. “From the age of 12, I would use my allowance to buy drugstore lip gloss, eyeliner, and nail polish even though it wasn’t allowed in school! In high school, I was always the designated friend curling everyone’s hair and doing everyone’s makeup before school dances.” 

In our conversation, she couldn’t help but reminisce about the time when her interest in beauty began. “I watched YouTube makeup tutorials from the likes of Michelle Phan to learn techniques like creating a smoky eye or how to contour. I’d say my interest in beauty started because of my love of performance! I watched beauty pageants growing up, and participated in talent shows and musicals, so being stage-ready was my introduction to discovering the world of beauty products.” 

On finding power in her beauty struggle

As mentioned previously, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship with beauty. In fact, the beauty content creator became candid about her own insecurities. “My biggest insecurity has been my nose,” she confessed. However, as years passed, Kristina found power in embracing her features. “I actually wrote a whole essay, ‘Learning to Love My Filipino Nose,’ in my newsletter Pearl, which is dedicated to Filipinas’ beauty journeys.” She added, “In the essay, I expanded on Filipino beauty standards of having a ‘tall’ nose, how this is reinforced from a young age, and how that affects your self-esteem.” 

I also shared how I spoke to a Filipina therapist who helped me overcome this insecurity by reminding me to practice self-compassion. She told me to imagine what I would say to my younger self if she told me she hated her nose. You’d never tell her, “Yeah, you’re right, your nose is ugly.” You’d say, “You’re beautiful, how could you ever think that?” Awareness is the first step to healing.


On her beauty perspective

One’s definition of beauty is undeniably the best topic to delve into. “Beauty goes beyond the surface level,” Kristina answered when asked what beauty means to her. “It’s not just a culmination of what makeup, hair, skincare, or nails you like to wear, but of your inner work, too. Beauty is wrapped up in our cultures, our identities, and our creativity, and is a way to communicate who we are without saying a word. Ultimately, beauty is a form of self-expression.” 

Kristina also revealed that she feels the most beautiful when she is taking care of herself. “That includes prioritizing exercise, going to therapy, journaling, going for walks outside, and just being at peace with myself,” she reflected. “Lately, I’ve been practicing positive self-talk in front of the mirror. It feels awkward at first, speaking affirmations to my own reflection, but it honestly does wonders in boosting my mood. I like incorporating this into my morning routine, right after doing skincare.”

On her beauty routine

Kristina might describe her skincare routine as basic, but her daily rotation includes the non-negotiables for a healthy complexion. “In the mornings, I use a gentle cleanser, apply mandelic acid, vitamin C eye cream, and SPF,” she revealed. “In the evenings, I wash my face and apply a prescription acne treatment (Twyneo), eye cream, and moisturizer. I’ll pepper in some at-home treatments like face masks, peels, the NuFace microcurrent tool, and red LED light treatments. I also try to get a professional facial once a month for maintenance.”

Elsewhere, the beauty content creator reminded everyone that sunscreen is the most important part of any routine. “Prevention is key especially if you’re prone to hyperpigmentation like me,” she mentioned. She also unveiled her favorite formulations: “I’m a big fan of mineral formulations because they don’t break me out. Some of my usual sunscreens are Summer Fridays Shade Drops, Live Tinted HueGuard, and ISDIN Eryfotona Ageless.”

In the realm of makeup, Kristina Rodulfo described her day-to-day beauty format. “While I am, at my core, a full-glam girl, most days, I’m wearing a pretty simple look: Full brows, winged liner, rosy-hued blush high on the cheeks, and a nude glossy lip.” 

As for scents, Kristina named Armani’s My Way Eau de Parfum as her signature scent. “I am a big fan of white florals, and this one has tuberose, along with bergamot and orange blossom, vanilla, and cedarwood. It’s sweet but sensual. I actually was wearing it when I got engaged so it is forever tied to that favorite memory. The scent is also long-lasting!”

On that one beauty product that makes her confident

The beauty in makeup is that there will always be one product that an enthusiast can rely on for a boost of confidence. Kristina, for one, considers red lipstick as her beauty signature and an instant confidence booster. “It makes you look dressed up even if you have very minimalist makeup otherwise, and is an immediate attention-grabber,” she shares. “I have dozens of favorite red lipsticks, but some go-to’s are MAC Ruby Woo, Pat McGrath Elson 4, and Dior 999.”

On her beauty philosophy

As mentioned, a beauty conversation wouldn’t be complete without an exchange of a beauty lesson. As we closed our chat, Kristina Rodulfo left an inspiring note for every beauty fan. “I want to remind people that one, it’s supposed to be fun and two, just do what works for you.” She also punctuated, “It’s easy to get caught up in trends, what’s ‘in’ or ‘out,’ what the most popular beauty brand is, or how to do or how not to do a certain makeup technique—but at the end of the day, beauty is so personal. It’s not on me, a celebrity, a beauty editor, or anyone really to tell you what is best for you—only you know that. Do you prefer drugstore foundations to high-end foundations? Do you like having thinner eyebrows instead of bushy, laminated ones? Do you like wearing big false lashes every day? Go for it! Gather all the inspiration you need, but trust yourself above all.”

The post The Beauty Profile: This Filipina Beauty Expert is Focused on Changing the Beauty Narrative appeared first on MEGA.

The Beauty Profile: This Filipina Beauty Expert is Focused on Changing the Beauty Narrative
Source: Insta News Pinoy

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