Reigning Wonderland: Furne One’s 30th year in fashion

Three decades later, Furne One is just curiouser and curiouser

Related: Furne One Reinvents Filipino Fashion By Adding A Global Perspective

Down the rabbit hole, there are things the imagination couldn’t even comprehend.

It’s crazy what 30 years can do, especially to one’s definition of the self. But for Furne One, spending all that time in fashion has made him strive to keep his identity as a designer intact, no matter how drastically the world changes around him. And that for him is the secret to building a successful brand. “There are so many innovations and reinventions over the years, but I remain true to my core,” he says.

With that kind of unwavering confidence in one’s craft, One is just unstoppable. He describes his design ideology as about pushing the limits, something that comes naturally to him. This is evident in the name he has engraved in the face of the fashion industry for many years now. “I always challenge myself to create better designs and concepts that are close to my heart but at the same time mind-blowing,” One says.

If there’s anything artists can’t live without, it’s inspiration. One’s creative process solely lies on being inspired by the things he surrounds himself with, even in the most random and unexpected circumstances. It may be a long dinner conversation with a friend, a song that buzzes through the walls, or a TV show that just happens to be on—One just knows it’s the inspiration when something feels real. Nothing can be a better source than that.

In his newest collection Eden, One unveils a new side of paradise. This has been in the works for many years already and he couldn’t be more thrilled that it has finally launched along with his first-ever male muse. “The brand is known to cater to women, with femininity at the core of it, but now I would like to explore the art that’s present in masculinity,” One explains. Talk about going beyond boundaries, right?

Staying in a cutthroat industry for three decades puts a person in a place to witness developments that were thought to be impossible. Crossroads that were previously unheard of will materialize just when one is supposed to take the next turn. Looking back, the footprints One has left in fashion are things the shore couldn’t wash away, even with the aid of time. This is probably because he didn’t step on sand—he made sure to build his own walkway.

You have to stop comparing yourself with other designers and start working harder to beat what you have previously done,” One shares.

For him, today can be good but tomorrow has to be better. His advice to young designers who are finding their footing? Never stop challenging oneself as that’s the way to grow as a designer and as a person. It’s simply the law of nature: pressure creates diamond and fire refines gold.

But beyond all the recognition and milestones One has achieved at this point in his career, he values humility and forbearance above all. “Be patient and humble during the process. These qualities will make you not only a better designer but an even greater individual,” he expresses.

What One wants the world to realize is that fashion is built on endless possibilities, and this is why he vows to center his craft on the wonder of curiosity and the things that will make people think beyond the mundane. It’s how Alice discovered Wonderland after all.

Fashion and designing is like flipping through a book, it’s hard to tell when the plot will thicken or when a chapter will end. One believes that the only way to stay relevant is to have an open mind and an innovative spirit. With this, his artistry will continuously sail on the notion of defying odds and making something worthwhile out of it.

“I want my design to be an inspiration to many young designers, and continue the legacy of fashion with limitless possibilities,” says One.

They say life begins at 30 but it seems like One is just reaching the highest pinnacle of his fashion journey. And with such a uniquely, daresay, mad, curious mind, who knows how else he’ll keep everyone off their heads?

Furne One’s Designer Profile is also in MEGA’s March 2022 issue. Read it on ReadlyMagzter, Press Reader and Zinio.

Directed and Produced by CROSSOVER STUDIOS
Creative Direction and Photography TEJASWI GHAGADA
Videography and Edit by PRADHYUMANSINH SOLANKI

The post Reigning Wonderland: Furne One’s 30th year in fashion appeared first on MEGA.

Reigning Wonderland: Furne One’s 30th year in fashion
Source: Insta News Pinoy

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