3 Major Reasons to Play Sports as an Adult

Sports aren’t reserved for just school children, professional athletes, or celebrities on vacation. Here’s a list of three significant reasons why you should start playing sports as an adult

For many of us, when we look at our social media feeds, we’ve more than once encountered a celebrity posting pictures at snowy mountains come the winter holidays or a golf course when the sun comes back. But sports are more than just a vacation activity or a costly hobby. If you’re not the type to play sports now, let us convince you to make it your next big commitment in 2024 and beyond. Here, we’re rounding up three science-backed reasons why being sporty is a true lifestyle upgrade—mind, body, and soul.

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For social benefits

Sarah Lahbati and friends playing tennis
Photo: SARAH LAHBATI (via Instagram)

We’re starting somewhere you may not have considered before and it’s the social aspect of playing sports. Whether you’re a young adult looking to make new friends, an older adult looking to maintain the ones you have, or a parent looking for a way to bond with your children—sports can be the solution for you. That’s because sports provide the perfect opportunity for meaningful social interaction, from joining teams like in flag football to competing one-on-one in racket sports. Such social benefits are why experts recommend community sports to children and adolescents in the first place. Moreover, playing sports is simply fun and time well spent with company—it’s just a matter of finding what fits you.

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For physical benefits

Samantha Panlilio playing golf
Photo: SAMANTHA PANLILIO (via Instagram)
Kathryn Bernardo playing tennis
Photo: KATHRYN BERNARDO (via Instagram)

Of course, playing sports has its physical benefits, too—benefits that you can carry into old age to help you age more gracefully. Since it’s a strenuous physical activity, playing sports can be just as effective as a hard workout, if not more so if what takes you to exercise longer is a game format with friends. More specifically, some of the benefits you can expect by playing sports long-term include such things as weight management, enhanced strength and endurance, and improved bone health and cardiovascular health. Strengthening yourself in this way is essential for injury prevention and the maintenance of overall mobility and range of motion. Because of these benefits and more, experts say “being active, even to a modest level, is superior to being inactive or sedentary.”

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For emotional benefits

Bubbles Paraiso swimming
Photo: BUBBLES PARAISO (via Instagram)
Klea Pineda surfing
Photo: KLEA PINEDA (via Instagram)

Just as hitting the gym is a happy hormone hack, so is playing sports. Studies support this notion, with experts noting that sports participation among adults results in positive mental health outcomes due to reasons like neurobiological mechanisms and the creation of a social support network. How well the activity benefits you depends on how personally well-suited you are to it, but in general, regular sports participation can result in stress relief, improved mental clarity, boosted mood, and increased self-confidence. What’s not to love?

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Photo: PATRICIA HENSON (via Instagram)

All in all, we urge you not to feel like you still can’t participate in sports just because you didn’t start young. Whether you join a local club or simply play for fun, incorporating sports into your adult life can have a positive impact on your overall health and happiness. Just think about how much better your overall quality of life will be as well, from now until you’re old and grey. At least then, you’d still be hitting the court with your grandchildren with as much vitality as them.

Featured Image: JULIA BARRETTO (via Instagram)

The post 3 Major Reasons to Play Sports as an Adult appeared first on MEGA.

3 Major Reasons to Play Sports as an Adult
Source: Insta News Pinoy

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